Monday, May 31, 2010


The focus on my jewellery last year or in the past was on the beads and how they played a big role on the thin wire frames or shapes that I made. With that in mind my work started to look more home made them hand made, so I started to bend and solder different shape for the Local is Lekker exhibition and I was very pleased with the out come. These shape would make my work different from any other beaders work as I had used one of the jewellery skills or technic (soldering).

One of the things that the lectures and I spoke about is my wire thickness, the one thing that I thought was my strong point was the one thing that limited my jewellery and still made it easy to make.
When the lectures pointed this out I started drawing ideas that had nothing to do with wire but worked more with plate. These are some of the drawings that I came up with and I would like to start making or improving them.

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