Sunday, March 21, 2010

Work on the side

After a short conversation that Chris (HOD) and I had, I got to realise that there is only one of me and that I can not split myself into many pieces, I say this because I think I have a lot of things going on outside my Btec. We spoke about how can these two worlds be put together so as to lift the load off my back. I'm busy making jewellery that can be sold in galleries or any other shop that feels that my jewellery fits in to sell. This is not that easy because I can not work as fast as I would like to work and I don't get that much of jewellery items made in a day. So I started to teach someone so that, that person could carry on with the work and I can focus on some of my research. At the moment I can not aford to have a lot of people working for me or helping me out but with time I'm hoping to have much more.
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