Tuesday, March 23, 2010

One on one

I always knew that making a shield was no walk in the park but I got to see it one on one. There is a place at Dalton where they make almost everything that is traditional and involves cow or other animal skin. I had to find this place and make sure that I wasn't wearing anything that would offend anyone. It took me a while to explain why I was there and that I wasn't there to learn or still ideas for my own business use.

I was taken to a room at the back where the shields where being made, this room didn't smell like flowers. Well this is what I remember from the demonstration. A cow or animal is skinned and that skin is put out to dry, away from water, rain and salt because that would slow down the drying. The drying takes about a week or more but everyday the skin has to be turned around so that it could dry evenly. When it is dry enough it is then washed so as to get rid of anything that might have started living on it. Cut to the shape wanted or needed and then hammered flat at any points or parts that are not even. Then the pattern or design is added, as part of the finishing touches.
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