Friday, May 13, 2011

Smart not hard

As the days turn into weeks, weeks into months I'm realizing a lot about life and my career as a whole. Its not easy after tech you think you know it all and you've got it all but in the mean while you just have tools to help you to stand, the walking or running is up to you.
I just started promoting Yardely products and I must say its not as fun or easy as I thought it would be, who would have thought that I 'Nomfundo Cebekhulu' would be wearing make up and expensive perfume but hey its true.
I think some people see my bubble personality and they think I'm not shy or that I can handle anything but you can't judge a book by its cover. This has been an eye opener for me I want to work smart not hard.
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

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