Friday, October 8, 2010


I have been busy trying to make a beaded so that I could use them to create a range of contemporary beaded jewelery. I have found some people that have made them and have done a very good job at it and I have add one of their links on my blog.
I'm thinking of moving away from trying to make this big bead for now because its really not going anywhere and I think its slowing me down.

I used to hate or dislike beadwork that is flap or beadwork that is bigger then a miter wall painting because I thought it would take me forever to do something like that. I still love beads or beading, I love how one bead on its own can mean nothing but if put next to other (beaded) can create or be part of a bigger picture (work of art). I guess that's one of the reasons why I wanted to make my own beaded bead.
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